Guys…we are SO excited to share this news with you. We are trying to revive this "Blog Thing" as Molly calls it (at the pace we are going, no promises). We've decided to start slow by adding on our LIMITED SERIES that we posted on Instagram/Facebook last year but it all still applies #whytohireuswednesday ! Recycling at it's finest. 😂
Check us out, every Wednesday for the next 8 weeks, where we will be posting a new reason to hire an Interior Designer. If you are about to start building a new home, have a renovation project (or anything in between) and aren’t sure if hiring an Interior Designer would be worthwhile, this weekly series is for YOU.
We are going to break down why our professional design services are valuable, cost-effective, and worthwhile. Check back in next Wednesday for our first official post of this "NEW" LIMITED SERIES!
#newseries #weeklyseries #newlimitedseries #whytohireuswednesday #wednesdayseries #mollybydesign #mbd #mbdstudio #designer #checkusout #likeandshare #bigannouncement #weareexcited #bignews #staytuned #comebacknextweek #announcement #checkbackeachweek #worthit #soworthit #cantwaittosharewithyou #thanksforstoppingby #newconstruction#renovations #buildingproject #dreamit #buildit #newhomes #construction
